Don Roth, PhD
A professor emeritus of molecular biology at the University of Wyoming, Don cares immensely about having an excellent hospital in Teton valley — which influenced he and his wife’s decision to retire here.
Dr. Don Roth earned his Bachelor of Science from the University of New Hampshire in 1974, followed by a Master of Science in 1975 and a Ph.D. in 1978 from Virginia Tech. With a distinguished career in research, teaching, and administration, Dr. Roth was a faculty member in the Department of Molecular Biology at the University of Wyoming, specializing in virology and the molecular mechanisms of host-virus recognition and response. He was the Founding Director of the Biomedical Sciences Program and later served as the Dean of the University of Wyoming Graduate School, overseeing six colleges and more than 100 graduate programs. His administrative leadership continued as the Academic Director for the School of Energy Resources and as a Co-Director for the Idaho National Laboratory’s Center for Advanced Energy Studies.
In 2015, Dr. Roth and his family settled in Teton Valley full-time, drawn by its breathtaking mountains, open spaces, vibrant community, abundant wildlife, and access to quality medical care. He enjoys an active lifestyle and spends his free time hiking, fly fishing, skiing, and rafting. He also loves traveling and spending time with his grandchildren, family, and friends.