To encourage and support a healthier community.
Vision Statement
Our exceptional healthcare, service, and education enhances the lives and minds of our entire community.
We share a sense of belonging with all the people of Teton Valley, our residents and visitors. We are part of the community and are honored to serve Teton Valley.
We strive for excellence in everything we do and measure and compare against meaningful standards. We deliver healthcare through teamwork and innovation. We strive for an environment of continuously improving quality and patient safety. We foster staff development and fulfillment.
We have a safe culture, where everyone has a role and responsibility in keeping our patients safe.
We demonstrate caring and concern for the physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of those we serve. We are open and honest and respect the uniqueness, personal preferences, and worth of every person and recognize that we see and treat people when they are not at their best. We promote development of each person’s potential and celebrate everyone’s contributions.
We recognize the need for continual improvement and work to make ourselves efficient in our activities. We will innovate to test new approaches and develop a model that works in Teton Valley. Our communications are open and honest. We say what we mean and do what we say. We take individual and collective responsibility for our actions.
We manage our time, talent, and financial resources responsibly. We are dedicated to the success of TVH.
The grand opening of Teton Valley Hospital occurred in 1939. The building construction was a federal government Works Progress Administration (WPA) project. It took the combined efforts of everyone within the community to raise sufficient funds to adequately furnish the 4-bed hospital. Over $40,000 was donated through a variety of creative methods such as auctioning livestock, coal, haircuts, beer, and firewood. One year, school students decided not to buy valentines for each other and instead donate their “card money” toward the hospital.

Teton Valley Health Care (TVHC) was owned by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also known as the Mormons. Ownership changed to a county facility in 1965. In 2013, the organization became an independent nonprofit entity, effectively removing itself from taxpayer support.TVHC received the federal designation of a Critical Access Hospital in 2002, after it was recognized that our geographic isolation from other medical facilities, and our positive impact on life-or-death health emergencies, meant that 24/7 access to our facility was crucial. In 2016, we earned three advanced-care certifications: Level IV Trauma Center, STEMI II (cardiac emergency care), and Stroke III (most complex stroke certification).
Today TVHC includes Teton Valley Hospital, the Specialty Clinic, Driggs Health Clinic, and Victor Health Clinic. Our hospital is open 24/7 and 365 days a year. In 2022 we saw over 46,000 patient visits in our clinics and Hospital. We are here for our community!