Give a gift that saves lives and impacts your entire community.
In 2024, we contributed $1,501,676.72 for vital medical equipment and technology that impacts over 49,000 patients annually. Make a difference today—help us provide the best care for Teton Valley right here at home.
“Having been a patient at Teton Valley Health Care many times, it is abundantly clear to me the importance of having the hospital and clinics here in the valley. Providing support to make healthcare here in our valley the best it can be is crucial. It is a privilege to serve on the foundation’s board and support the incredible healthcare professionals who care for us 24/7 with extraordinary dedication, professionalism, kindness, and energy. Saying that we are fortunate to have TVHC in this valley is an understatement.” – John Unland, TVHCF Board.
The TVHC Foundation accomplished a lot in 2024, but there is more to do. With the ever-changing healthcare industry comes continually changing needs. With the growth of our community comes the need for us to expand our services to ensure our community members have the care they need – here at home – when they need it. Every dollar donated impacts the health and wellness of the Teton Valley.
2 0 2 5 C R I T I C A L N E E D S
E N D O S C O P Y S C O P E S & T O W E R – $ 1 5 0 , 0 0 0
This is a critical piece of equipment to perform an endoscopy, which is a procedure in medicine that uses a thin flexible tube with a camera (endoscope) to examine and treat regions of the body such as the gut, chest, lungs and joints.
H A N A T A B L E – $ 1 5 0 , 0 0 0
The Hana table is the gold standard for patient positioning in many orthopedic surgeries. This patient positioning table enables a multitude of orthopedic procedures including total hip replacements, hip fractures, and lower limb fractures.
L O W E R I N C O M E C A R E – $ 7 5 , 0 0 0
At TVHC we have many options for patients that cannot afford their medical care. We offer a sliding scale in the clinics, offer our own financial support services, and payment for care when finances are a complete barrier for patients in our community. At the TVHC foundation our goal is that finances will never be a barrier to patients receiving the medical care that they need. Last year the foundation supported almost 20 patients, where other support options did not qualify.
O R T H O P O W E R S O U R C E – $ 6 5 , 0 0 0
The Stryker system gives the orthopedic surgeon more versatility and precision in surgery when it is required. Developed specifically for sports medicine and orthopedic trauma, this system produces the dependable power you require. TVHC’s current system is out-of-date for the procedures we do. Additionally, it is unsupported for maintenance and repairs, which leaves us in a precarious position if it fails to work as needed.
S T E R I S V P R O S T E R I L I Z E R – $ 5 8 , 0 0 0
The Steris V-Pro is a vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VH202) sterilizer for medical devices. It processes sterilization at low temperatures without leaving toxic residues. This is a critical piece of equipment needed for surgical procedures. It effectively and safely sterilizes in a 19-minute cycle for quick turn-around.
P R O C E D U R A L C H A I R & L I G H T I N G – $ 1 5 , 0 0 0
Will you help today with your tax-deductible gift?
By making a charitable donation to the Teton Valley Health Care Foundation, you support much needed equipment, technology, and education that improves medical care for our patients. Your gift improves lives and saves lives. What a Gift to Give! And when you give to the TVHC Foundation, 100% of your donation goes to your designation.
DONATE ONLINE or for more information, please contact
Nancy Osmundson
Phone: 406.451.1040
Email: nosmundson@tvhcare.org